Santa’s Visit at Tyler and Tasha’s Party
The party space
The party space
Meeting Santa at the Hazlerig/Ciapala party
Meeting Santa at the Hazlerig/Ciapala party
Christmas charms
Christmas charms
Making his way down
Making his way down
Crafts included reindeer cutouts
Crafts included reindeer cutouts
Walking around the playhouse
Walking around the playhouse
Hard at work
Hard at work
The slot-car track was a lot of fun
The slot-car track was a lot of fun
Flynn watches his car zoom by
Flynn watches his car zoom by
Flynn and Xander vie for the lead
Flynn and Xander vie for the lead
Flynn helps Guinness out
Flynn helps Guinness out
Guinness and Jasper take a turn
Guinness and Jasper take a turn
Someone’s in the wrong lane!
Someone’s in the wrong lane!
Innaias tries his hand at a nutcracker cut-out
Innaias tries his hand at a nutcracker cut-out
Flynn’s elf and tree
Flynn’s elf and tree
Safety first!
Safety first!
Time for Santa to leave ☹
Time for Santa to leave ☹
All done!
All done!
Air hockey
Air hockey
Debra takes advantage of Flynn
Debra takes advantage of Flynn
Innaias checks out the foos table
Innaias checks out the foos table
Guarding the goal
Guarding the goal
Taking the shot
Taking the shot
Excess puck
Excess puck